Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas and New Year

Eddie and Angela went to see "A Very Fairy Christmas Carol" at the Scottish Rite Chidren's Theater in December.  Instead of Scrooge, it was about Penelope the Party Pooping Fairy ("Mommy, you said POOP!  Hahahah!")

Eddie and Penelope.

Eddie showing Pinnochio his train after the show.

Riding the bike, checking out the neighbors' Christmas decorations.

Eddie build this "machine" and told me that it makes clean water.  You "put dirty water in the top pipe, and clean water comes out the bottom."  I had to collect the imaginary water in my coffee cup and pretend to drink it.

Lightsaber review:
Fun - 5 stars
Well-made - 5 stars
Educational - 0 stars
Ho ho ho!

Figuring out the new scooters from LuAnne, Tony, and Jillian.

Christmas at Nana's house was a blast! "Can I open these now?"

Uncle Chris.  Classic.

Eddie helped make Daddy's birthday cake.  He likes to add ingredients to the blender and he watches everything carefully.

Eddie put the HAPPY BIRTHDAY  letters and candles on the cake.  It was delicious.

At Phil's Icehouse / Amy's Ice Cream with Angela, Billy, and Uncle Chris.

Playing with Jane and Billy at Granny Faye's Christmas.

Preparing to watch "The Muttcracker" with Mommy, Billy, and Nana.

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