Monday, February 2, 2009


Poor Eddie skinned his face on Sunday! He was toddling on the pavement in front of our house, stumbled, and pitched forward. He caught himself with his hands, but then lost his balance and fell. His lip was cut, his nose was skinned, and his cheek was bruised, but he didn't knock out any teeth and is healing up nicely. And just a few hours before I had taken a dozen pictures of his beautiful face!

Watching the Superbowl with Daddy.

Eddie's funniest trick lately is to take one of his play pots and spoons and pretend to eat, complete with lip smacking sounds.

Eddie just loves the new truck that Auntie Beth & Uncle Joel gave him for his birthday. When the box came, he stood staring at the picture. He knew it was a toy and he knew it was for him! He couldn't even wait for us to put it together to start playing in it. He climbs all over it and sits in the cab, "steering," and saying "brrrrrrrr...." like a motor.

Eddie's Daddy built a Lego tower just for Eddie to destroy.

A hike on Rocky Ridge Trail in DuPont State Forest.

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