Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4th

Here I am with my dad getting ready to go see the fireworks. Mom was really disappointed because the fireworks got rained out, but Dad told me I'll like it more next year. (Dad's wearing his Captain America tee shirt, by the way. Mine says "Born in 2008.")

Who knew how much fun a bath could be? I even like having water dumped straight onto my head. I scream when they take me out of the tub, though. Don't let the towel picture fool you. I just know to stop yelling and smile for the camera.

Who needs fancy toys when there are spoons and crumbled wads of paper to chew on. Not to mention remote controls and phones. I dive for Mommy's computer, too.

QUACK! Yummy duckie.

Oooh, cereal. I love cereal. I try to grab the spoon though, so Mommy gives me my own to hold.

Yuck. Water. Who wants water. Here, Mom, YOU drink this!

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