Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thanksgiving and December

The train depot.  We went to see Santa arrive on the train!

Eddie was thrilled to see Santa!

Santa gave Eddie and Harper candy canes.

Playing Thomas with the cousins!

Eddie went with Nana, Mommy, and Billy to see "Tangled."

Trying on Mommy's boots.

Playing with Owen and the Pooh-mobile.

Asleep with Mommy.

Admiring the train at the depot.

Talking to Santa at the Monument Hill trail of lights.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jane's Birthday Party

Checking out Peep and his siblings at Nana and Woody's house.

Coloring pictures with Jane and Woody.

Piled on top of Momma.

Running it off at the playground...

Enjoying a new Sodor layout.


Playing with Jane and Cory.

Eddie went wild at Jane's birthday party.  He ran around with his mouth wide open!

Soooo much fun!

The cake Nana made was wonderful!

Going for a walk along the train tracks.

Playing on the playground with Momma and Daddy.