Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sitting up by Myself!

I had a little diaper rash this weekend that my parents cured by dunking my bottom in warm baking soda baths and then letting me hang out naked in the living room. I had so much fun!

Look at me, guys!!! I can sit up without any help. I tend to fall over, so Mommy put the Boppy Pillow around my butt to catch me. Watch me deconstruct this block tower.

I LOVE not having to wear clothes! Stay tuned for more pictures of my attempts to crawl toward my toys...

Mommy says: "Eddie slept through the night last night! I was in a terrified panic when I woke up at 5:45 this morning and had not heard from Eddie since 9:30 last night! I ran into his room to touch him & make sure he was ok... 15 minutes later he woke up very hungry, but rested & grinning!"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Red Racecar

Whoa! Check this out! Thanks for the new car, Nana... I thought I was going to have to wait 15 years!
Now, please excuse me while I lick the steering wheel.

I love my new carseat. It's so comfortable, and it keeps my head straight when I fall asleep in it. Mom wishes her seats were this cushy. I can sit in this one until I weigh 65 pounds.

Too tired to play anymore. I'll just rest here a minute.


Here's Dad helping me ride my dinosaur.

Being me isn't all fun & games....

Oooooh, the mirror spins! How'd Dad do that?

Soon enough, Dad...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Auntie's & Uncle's Baby Shower

Here are pictures from my aunt's and uncle's surprise baby shower. It was lots of fun, and I spent most of the day sitting with my Popo.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Trip to Texas

I spent a week and a couple of days in Texas. I met so many new people! Here I am acting like a pro on my first flight. I didn't fuss for the first 3 or 4 days of my trip and my mommy was very impressed!
Tummy-time with Nana. I'm going to be crawling soon.

Here I am with Popo....
... and Pop
.... and Granny!

Mommy & I spent the night with Granny & Popo...

Look at Big Bad Edd sleeping in my bed. I ended up sleeping with Mommy after that (or maybe this was just her excuse... she loves to snuggle with me!)

I stayed with Granny & Popo while Mom went to the movies. I was happy to see them again.
Wow!!! I LOVE the ExerSaucer! And what is this Kiss Duckie my uncle sent me? How great... this is all for me, right?! Brilliant!!!

Walking on the table with Auntie... my tee shirt says "I'd get away with this at Grandma's." As you can see, it's a no-pants kind of day.

With Granny & Popo. Again, no pants. Hahaha.

I am such a lucky fisherman! See all the fish I helped catch? I wish they'd let me put one in my mouth...

Fan-TAS-tic! More ExerSaucer time! I can't believe I don't have one of these at home yet!

Bathtime and story time happen at Nana's house, too.

Here I am with Gram'ma, Gram, and my cousins in Sublime.
What a fun trip... stay tuned for pictures of Auntie's baby shower!