Saturday, March 29, 2008


My Mommy was gently reminded yesterday that my fans are waiting for her to post more pictures of me! She's sorry for the delay. I've had a stuffy nose and it's making it very hard for us to sleep for more than an hour or so at a time. I did have a very nice Easter weekend with my Mom & Dad, though. I got Easter gifts in the mail, which I loved, and Mom read Easter books to me. We especially liked "Marshmallow," the true story of a bunny who was best friends with a kitty named Oliver. They lived together in an apartment. I also got a new swing to take naps in. They have one like it for me at daycare & it mde Mom & Dad realize that I needed one at home. You can see from the picture how it put me to sleep in the middle of a back-arched, tired-&-cranky tantrum. I've also been giggling lately, especially when I'm getting my clothes & diaper changed. It's funny to be naked!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Growing Tall

I had my first shots today. Dad held me & I did great, but we had to send Mommy out of the room so she could listen to me scream from the hallway. She's not so good with needles & syringes. As for me, by the time I got home I had completely forgotten about it and was ready to be fed & bathed. The other news is that I'm 11 lbs 13 oz, which is in the 50th percentile for my age, and I'm getting very long. I'm 24.5 inches long, which is in the 90th percentile. In other words, I'm tall & narrow. I'm growing faster in length than I am in width, I guess. Mommy & I discovered last weekend that I love board books that have pretty colors. She loves to read to me and I love to sit and look at the pictures & listen to her talk, so we have a pretty good arrangement!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Months Old

I turned 2 months old on Wednesday. So much happened this week! My mommy went back to work, so I got to go hang out with Ms F, Ms L, & Ms C at daycare along with lots of other kids (I'm the youngest baby, though, so I get lots of attention). They are speaking lots of Spanish to me at Mom & Dad's request so that I will have an early ear for foreign languages. The read me books like "The Wheels on the Bus," "What Will I Be?" and "Caperusita Roja" (which is Little Red Riding Hood in Spanish). Mom knows all this because they write it all down for her along with how much I ate, slept, and got my diaper changed. She also checks in on me while she's at work using the kid-cam. She knows that I hate to sleep in my daycare crib and like to sleep in the little swing they have for me there. She also knows that the somewhat older kids are very fascinated by me. And as if all this wasn't enough excitement, take a look at the pictures of me from this morning in Mommy's arms. She was so happy because I forgot to wake up for my midnight feeding. So Mom got 6 full hours of sleep and I got almost 8 hours! Maybe it will happen again soon; we'll see. Mom & Dad aren't holding their breath for now, but someday...

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Baby Portraits

Look how handsome I am!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

After my Bath

Mom's acting a little silly in this video, but she thought you'd like to see how cute I am after I've had a bath. Bathing is actually one of my favorite things. It makes me smile & yawn, and I usually fall asleep soon after!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Oxford" the Monkey & Other Cool Toys

I have definitely discovered that toys are fun! I like to swat at them and talk to them. I don't even sleep in the car as much because of the bug chimes that are hanging from my carseat handle. They're wonderful to look at and to reach for. I'm pretty captivated by things that are yellow & that have high contrast (black & white). I like the Picasso Bullfighter poster hanging in our living room, for instance, and I have been caught staring endlessly at the ceiling fans. I like my monkey, "Oxford" (who came all the way from England) for the same reason, I guess. My other stuffed animals are not quite as fascinating, yet, but I can see how they might be soon! Mom and I are going to hang out at daycare together tomorrow morning. Mom goes back to work next week, and I think she's having a tough time anticipating that. She says she misses her friends and her work, but can't imagine leaving me with someone else during the day. I'll be ok; she just needs to be calm and take it in stride. I'll keep you informed about how she's doing.